Start together with our partners
we the production process:
Our employees from Viavisual China (Shenzhen) take care of procurement from manufacturers certified by us and quality assurance on site. We take care of safe packaging and logistics, including customs clearance in the EU. Together with you and your partners, we clarify the requirements for media files and, on request, set up a CMS that matches your requirements. The services required on site are defined so that nothing stands in the way of a successful installation. The LED substructures and any metal parts that may be required are manufactured in Europe at the same time. The imported goods are checked for transport damage and, if necessary, pre-assembled into ready-to-assemble units. If possible and sensible, a further acceptance test is carried out and then it is sent to the installation site.
Status: All the necessary preparatory work has been completed and your LED video solution is ready for assembly.